Rennes 2 University

Anti-Discrimination Resources


Rennes 2 University is committed to promoting equality between women and men and combating stereotypes and discrimination.

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Resources for your Questions

Have you been a victim of discrimination? Looking to get information on who you can contact with your questions related to equality?

Below are some resources, links, numbers and advice on what to do if you have been a victim of discrimination and/or if you want to become involved in combating racism, sexism, anti-Semitism and anti-LGBT+ hatred.

I've been a victim of discrimination, what should I do?

The website provides definitions, resources and useful contacts so that you can: 

You can also find and contact local victim support associations who will listen to you and give you support.

More specifically, in terms of discrimination towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people, the Ligne Azur,  is an info and support system working to combat discrimination against LGBT+ and to prevent suicidal behaviour. This is specifically for people who are questioning their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

With regard to gender-based (and sexual) abuse, the dedicated area on étudiant.gouv can provide you with valuable information.

Finally, there is a number for all victims, for whatever type of attack or prejudice you have suffered: 116 006.

