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Covid19 Update: Important Message to our Erasmus exchange partners


The following is a letter to our Erasmus exchange partners regarding the consequences of the COVID 19 pandemic on 1st Semester mobilities for 2020-21. 

Update COVID 19
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Dear valuable Partners,

As you know, the COVID-19 health crisis is having quite an impact on our activities and particularly on the international mobility of students and staff. We would like to keep you posted on the evolution of the health situation in France, where the lockdown measures have been progressively relaxed since the May 11.

However, the return to a "normal" situation has not been announced yet because the virus continues to circulate around the world. In line with the French government's recommendations, we must therefore continue to apply health and safety regulations and adapt all our activities accordingly.

Despite the uncertainty that remains regarding the evolution of the pandemic in the coming months, our University has recently taken the decision to maintain mobility with European countries (Schengen Area, European Union and United Kingdom) for the first semester of the next academic year. However, we strongly recommend that students postpone their mobility project until the second semester because the general welcome and learning conditions will be strongly impacted by the governmental health regulations. Indeed, the induction programmes and activities for the integration of students will not be as "sociable" as what we usually offer and there will be a cap on maximum student numbers for many courses. It is likely that some classes will no longer be offered on campus but may take place on-line, thus limiting students’ choice.

Of course, we are willing to welcome all students who absolutely wish to maintain their mobility despite the conditions for a full University of Rennes 2 experience.

The international relations department has sent a letter to all students to keep them informed and to guide them for the start of the 2020 - 2021 academic year (which we are sending to you for information).

In spite of these challenges which will necessarily impact the start of the academic year 2020 - 2021, we will be delighted to welcome your students to our University and to offer them a mobility experience as enriching as possible.


Yours sincerely,

Dr. Lesley Lelourec

Vice President for Internationalisation


Dr. Amal Jouffe El Amrani

Head of International Office