Escape game | Escape that !

From 9 to 12 March
Escape game
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Feminism explained to aliens

An Elden comes to visit planet Earth in order to find the crystals of feminism for his gallery BUT what is feminism? An Elden doesn't know. In Eldenia, there is only one gender, so he needs your help to explain to his compatriots what Feminism is and what it means to humans. A journey of discovery for Elden and for you too: you will have to find six crystals of feminism before Elden can leave! A silent partner will be there to help you. To thank you, you will be offered a trip to Eldenia! The only condition? Exchange your trip for the crystals that will be exhibited in their gallery.

This Escape Game is being organized by Sarah Dessaint and the Cultural Office of Rennes 2, in collaboration with Griselda Drouet (MCF LIDILE EA 3874) and Elisabeth RICHARD (PR, Director LIDILE EA 3874) in view of International Women's Day. It was designed by Louann Perrot (Research Master in History, Civilization and Heritage), Adèle Pellier (Bachelor's degree in History), Claire Pérot (Research Master in History, Civilization and Heritage), Laurent Rollot (Master's degree in Didactics of Languages), Anyuli Pineda (doctoral student LIDILE EA 3874), under the direction of Dolly Ramella (doctoral student LIDILE EA 3874).