By signing the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027, Rennes 2 University confirms that participation in the Erasmus+ programme is part of its strategy for internationalisation.

Rennes 2 University (UR2) intends to play its part in the development of the European Higher Education and Research Area by 2025 through international cooperation which has largely been influenced and boosted by the implementation of different Erasmus and research programmes.
The Erasmus programme’s promotion of citizenship and the sharing of a common European culture are already entrenched in UR2’s strategic policy document which will be deployed over the whole period covered by this Charter.
UR2 is particularly attached to a European and humanist university model, being specialised in Human and Social Sciences, the Arts, Languages and Sports Sciences, The future Erasmus programme will enable us to take up the challenge of implementing actions to reinforce the transformative effect of the projects and the modernisation of our organisation.
UR2 will be able to draw on the skills of a university community well-aware of the challenges of this new decade. The renewal of the Erasmus Charter is timely, enabling us to tailor our European strategy so as to:
- Boost Erasmus mobility by developing new forms (virtual, mixed, hybrid, short-term), enhancing the international profile of both students and staff and increasing interactions with European university campuses and communities.
- Reinforce Internationalisation at Home for reasons of inclusiveness and ecology, drawing on an ambitious language policy and privileged partnerships.
- Respond to new needs in teaching and learning through creative programmes, accompanying digital transformation and innovative pedagogies.
- Seek synergies and complementary actions across the various programmes.
- Promote and share a common European vision by building on local and regional dynamics to create lasting and transformative projects.
- Consolidate communication within our university of a culture that enshrines European and international cooperation by sharing experiences and show-casing international activities and collaboration.
Information Sheet
Need to find information about the structure, services and resources of Rennes 2 University? Below we've prepared a summary of important information to keep in mind for studying at Rennes 2 and living in Rennes.
Specific Information for Exchange Students
Are you soon to be an exchange student at Rennes 2? Looking for information such as: academic requirements, French language courses, Course catalogue, transcript of records, housing, etc. Check here for information specific to exchange students.
Learn the Basics on the French University Education System
In France and within the European Union, university-level studies are separated into three basic levels: LMD, each corresponding to a certain number of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits. Learn more here. Information about our grading system to be added soon.
Faculties and Departments of Rennes 2 University
Rennes 2 is almost exclusively devoted to arts, humanities and social sciences. Our university welcomes more than 20,000 students to its 5 different faculties and 25 departments . See the relevant department page for a list of specific programs, and the corresponding objectives, structure and course content.
Academic Calendar and other structuring elements
See the important dates for each semester, including exams here.
Classes in English
Looking for classes in English? See which department courses are taught in English here.
French language courses (Cirefe)
If you're looking to take classes to improve your French, have a look at our offer at the CIREFE.
Exchange students may state in their application form that they wish to register for these courses (either French support courses or French intensive courses, but not both). French support courses (4 hours a week) is offered to all exchange students for one semester. Students who register will have to take a proficiency test at the CIREFE on arrival. Please note that the tests take place at the beginning of each semester. This test is a necessary step to be able sign up for courses.
Visas and Titres de Séjours
Exchange students may need to complete some mandatory administrative formalities to regularize their immigration status. See here to find out if you will need a visa to study in France.
Health and Insurance
In France, health insurance is free and compulsory for everyone. This social security regime is managed by the Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie (CPAM). Social security reimburses you for your health expenses. When studying in France, students from the EEA (European Economic Area) are covered by the social security system of their home country; other students must register with the French student social security system to benefit from the same protection as French students. Begin your registration process here.
Erasmus students must upload their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), valid until the end of their stay, to their online portal. If this card is not valid for the entire duration of one's stay in France, registration with the student social security will be compulsory.
Once here, we aim to provide the best conditions for students to be able to excel in their studies. An essential part of that is providing students with access to effective health and social services. Learn about the the Student Health Centre (Service santé des étudiant·e·s - SSE) here.
Inclusion, Accessibility and Sustainability
Our Office for Students with Disabilities - Relais Handicap - welcomes and supports students with disabilities, whether permanent or temporary. Find out more here. Rennes 2 University is also committed to promoting equality between women and men and combating stereotypes and discrimination. See the resources available to you here.
We are also committed to providing sustainable campuses and offer students and staff the opportunity to take part in ecologically and socially sustainable practices. Read more about how you can get involved here.
Campus Services and Resources
Whether you have questions on our libraries, sports activities, housing, cultural activities, or opportunities for social interaction, we can help inform and support you. See here for more information.
Meet people using the Buddy System
The Buddy System is a mentoring program which aims to improve the reception and integration of international students who will be studying at Rennes 2 during the next school year. Before the start of the school year, the International Office contacts incoming exchange students in order to offer them the opportunity to take part of this system.
Awards / Distinctions
Rennes 2 has obtained the "Bienvenue en France" Label. Awarded by Campus France, the Label recognizes our institution's ability to provide quality welcome services for international students.

Rennes 2 and the Good Practice Label : At the conclusion of a 2018 grant agreement for Erasmus + mobilities, the Erasmus+ France Agency carried out a qualitative evaluation of Rennes 2’s European mobility project. Our establishment was subsequently awarded the "good practice label" on the basis of criteria defined by the European Commission.