To encourage international virtual exchanges, the program offers :
- an international teaching-learning experience, while staying at home or in the classroom
- personalized support for teachers wishing to engage in new international collaborations
The program
The Internationalization at Home (IaH) program is managed by the Vice President in charge of Internationalisation and funded by the University's Dialogue Stratégique et de Gestion. Launched in January 2022, it aims to support teachers at Rennes 2 who co-construct and deliver courses with their international partners. The support provided by Rennes 2 includes a financial component and a pedagogical engineering component.
Generally speaking, the number of students in a given year who can go on an international mobility program is limited. Going abroad during one's studies has a certain cost and implies leaving one's home or even one's job behind. Moreover, the health crisis and political uncertainties have also shown that mobility is fragile and that exchanges can be suddenly interrupted and disrupted in a lasting way. Finally, from an ecological point of view, the carbon footprint of mobility leads to a reduction in travel.
IaH aims to address these issues and allow a greater number of students (Bachelor and Master levels) to have access to linguistic and intercultural exchanges, in line with their disciplinary fields. It also aims to facilitate the implementation of new pedagogical approaches and to strengthen the links between the teams in Rennes and their international partners.
More information on specific projects will be coming shortly.
- DUNE - DESIR: The DESIR project "Development of Innovative Higher Education in Rennes" is the result of collaborative work between Rennes 2, the University of Rennes 1 and the Rennes Tech Alliance, which is made up of eight major public institutions in Rennes (AgroCampus Ouest, Centrale Supélec, EHESP, ENSAI, ENS, ENSCR, INSA, IEP Rennes).
- NCU - Cursus IDE@L: Winner of the "New Cursus at the University" action, this program benefits from a government grant managed by the French National Research Agency under the "Investissements d'Avenir 3" program. Since the end of 2018, it has been designed to provide an appropriate response to the problems of growth and transformation of initial and continuing education needs. This project aims to individualize training paths, transform pedagogical learning to lead our students to success and professional integration and meet societal challenges. The idea is to develop skills that best meet the needs of socio-economic actors.