Calendar and Other Structuring Elements

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Academic Year and Calendar


Our academic year is made up of two semesters. One semester represents 30 ECTS.

- First/Fall semester: September - January

- Second/Spring semester: January - May

Don't miss our Pré-rentrée: From September 2nd, 2024 (Campuses: Villejean and la Harpe) 

The pre-rentrée event is an important week of meetings which allow students to meet with their various departments. This event is essential for new students in order to register for courses and become familiarized with administrative and pedagogical staff and procedures in their program.

Students are notified by their respective departments of the dates and timeframes of meetings. Individual mobility students should contact the DEVU Office for more information.

During the week, students will have the opportunity to visit information stands from: the DÉVU, Sports (SIUAPS), CPAM (healthcare insurance) and more.

Pre-rentrée for Campus Mazier in St. Brieuc:

Exchange students and CIREFE students:  

Exchange students will have orientation activities planned by the International Office. Please contact them for the specific dates. CIREFE students should also contact the CIREFE offices for information on activities planned.  


Semester Dates

Semester 1 
Classes start on: Monday, September 9, 2024
End of Classes: Friday, December 6, 2024
Exams: From December 9 - 20, 2024 (All categories of exams)


Semester 2
Classes start on: Monday, January 13, 2025
End of classes: Friday, April 4, 2025
Exams: From April 22 - May 8, 2025 (All categories of exams)


Rattrapage (make-up) exams for semesters 1 and 2: June 16 - 27, 2025


Vacation Periods: 
Fall: October 27 - November 3, 2024
Christmas: December 22, 2024 - January 5, 2025
Winter: February 16 - February 23, 2025
Spring: April 13 -  April 20, 2025

Licence (equivalent of a Bachelor's Degree Program)

The Licence consists of six semesters, each consisting of credit modules (UE or "unités d'enseignement"). Each semester is equivalent to 30 ECTS Credits (European Credit Transfer System). Some modules are mandatory, while others are elective, allowing students to choose both an academic program and a professional orientation.

The information week takes place in September, including conferences and meetings with professors which allow students to better understand our academic system. 

Organization of Courses

CM: Cours Magistral is a lecture given to a large number of students (generally in an auditorium)

TD/TP: Travaux Dirigés / Travaux pratiques are courses given to smaller groups of students in regular classrooms (around 45 students)

Please be aware that for numerous disciplines, a single course can include a CM and a TD, which may be taught by different teachers. If that is the case, you will need to attend both as they are complementary and mandatory. Examinations will cover what was material taught in both CM and TD.

Quick Guide to some key acronyms:

UFR: Faculty and Research Unit 

EU: Teaching Unit

UEO - Open teaching units

UEL - Language Teaching Unit

Enseignements d'ouverture (UEO)

UEO can be roughly translated as Open Teaching Units. Taken by students in their 2nd and 3rd year of Licence (Bachelor's program), it offers the opportunity to construct a personalized educational path by offering students different types of elective courses.

Every semester, students must follow 48 hours of UEO classes. Each type of EUO proposed makes it possible to validate 24 hours. The description of each type of UEO is detailed in the Brochure (on the right of this page).

Courses for Exchange Students:  specific procedure

The  International Office has put together a course guide for exchange students. It presents the courses that exchange students can choose for free as well as the teaching schedule and procedures (ECTS per course, assessment and evaluation procedures, etc.).

Generally, exchange students can choose their courses in a maximum of two departments, plus the language support class in French as a Foreign Language at the CIREFE if desired (one semester is offered to exchange students). Priority is given to students for whom there is a specific agreement with the department. International students can have access to courses in a department for which there is no specific agreement only within the limit of the number of places available. For more information please contact the International Office or see our page for exchange students.

International students can have access to courses in a department for which there is no specific agreement only within the limit of the number of places available. For more information please contact the International Office.