International Chairs

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Rennes 2 University offers two International Chair positions to welcome academics working in the fields of arts, literature, languages, human and social sciences and sports sciences.


Contenu sous forme de paragraphes

Rennes 2 University has a number of guest professor positions open to international academics: 

  • the International Chair of Humanities and Social Sciences,
  • the Americas Chair,
  • the CAPS Chair, 
  • and the Research and Action Chair Doctor Denis Mukwege.


These positions offer academics from around the world the opportunity to spend one to two months on our campus, located in Brittany (north-west France). While here, guest professors will have the opportunity to build meaningful scientific and teaching and learning collaborations with our research units and academic departments, and will be able to present their scientific projects to our doctoral students and permanent research staff. 

During their stay with us, visiting professors are expected to give a small number of seminars or conferences closely linked to the research work of our related research units. We ask that their activities be spread out throughout their stay, so as to make their presence visible on campus. The selected candidates will also have full access to the university’s libraries and archives.


The International Chair of Humanities and Social Sciences

The International Chair of Humanities and Social Sciences position is open to academics from all countries and disciplines. Applications should be jointly submitted by one of the research units financed by Rennes 2 and by a teaching department. Candidates to this position should contact either the head of one of these research units, or one of our academics directly, in order to define the application project together.

The Americas Chair

The Americas Chair position is open to all researchers residing in North, Central or South America and whose application is supported by one of the research partners of the Rennes Institut des Amériques, who are responsible for overseeing this position. All academic fields of study undertaken by the university are eligible ; priority will be given to research units affiliated with the University. More information is available here.

The CAPS Chair

The CAPS international team welcomes applications by academics whose research or practice focuses on public space and addresses questions of interdisciplinarity. Teaching activities may include :  taking part in graduate or postgraduate courses, masterclasses or talks for a wider audience. CAPS is a partnership between the Rennes 2 University (arts and humanities) ENSAB (Ecole nationale supérieure d'architecteure de Bretagne)  and EESAB (Ecole européenne supérieure des arts de Bretagne). Prior to applying, candidates must contact a research unit in order to establish up a teaching / seminars schedule. For more information, please go here. Any questions should be sent to: creativepublicspace [at] (creativepublicspace[at]univ-rennes[dot]fr).

The Research and Action Chair Doctor Denis Mukwege

As part of our collaboration with Professor Denis Mukwege, winner of the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize (and Doctor Honoris Causa of Université Rennes 2), a new International Chair is being inaugurated in November 2024. The Chair is intended to host international teachers and researchers working in the field of gendered, sexist and sexual violence against women and girls. The Chair's scientific objectives reflect the theme of the “Mémoires de guerre et construction pérenne de la paix ” research program, coordinated by Renée Dickason of the Anglophonie: Communities, Ecritures (ACE) research unit. The teachers and researchers taking part will provide valuable insights into gendered, sexual and sexist violence in times of war, conflict, crisis and peace. They will also help to challenge stereotypes and the trivialization of the acts committed, drawing on the necessary work of memory and memorialization to be carried out in parallel with the development of transitional justice mechanisms. Any questions related to the Chair should be addressed to: Renée Dickason (renee.dickason [at] (renee[dot]dickason[at]univ-rennes2[dot]fr)).


How to Apply

Each request to hold a Chair position must be submitted by a member of the faculty from Rennes 2, who will be the contact person for the application and the coordinator for the duration of the stay. This person will help to coordinate various aspects of the visit, including: putting the invitee in contact with the International Relations Office, coordinating relevant support with our research units for the organization of seminars, study days, as well as other helpful formalities. 

The minimum stay for visiting professors is 30 days. 

During their stay, these academics will receive salaries based on that of the University’s professorial staff. This salary is meant to cover housing and transport costs. Visiting professors will have the option of staying at the Cité Internationale Paul Ricœur de Rennes, managed by the CMI.

Texte important

The Rennes International Mobility Centre (CMI) and Cité internationale Paul Ricoeur are important resources for international researchers and doctoral students looking to come to Rennes. The CMI provides services such as the filing of visa paperwork, assistance for families accompanying visiting academics, and personal assistance with administrative procedures upon arrival in Rennes. Located in the heart of the city center, the Cité internationale Paul Ricoeur offers 79 studio apartments for international faculty members, a cafeteria and a sports complex. Contact the CMI ahead of your planned trip to find out more.


The Application Process

Applications from European Union nationals must be received by HR Office at least 2 months in advance, and applications from other nationalities should be submitted at least 4 months in advance. As recruitment procedures are relatively long, it is recommended that the Rennes 2 contact person begin the process 1 year before the ideal arrival date of reception of the guest. The decision of the Steering Committee is communicated to the International Office and the Research Office. 

There are 2 selection committees per year: in September and February. The September committee selects visiting professors for the period of January through June of the following year. The February committee selects candidates for the period of September through December of the same year. 

Applications are received on an ongoing basis.


Resto Paul Ricoeur

Cafe at the Cité Internationale Paul Ricoeur