Rennes 2 University
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The Cirefe Kicks off Summer Classes with a Warm Welcome


After more than a year of reduced face-to-face activities, Rennes 2’s premier French language center, the Cirefe, was happy to hold its annual meet and greet for new students enrolled in its summer courses.


Cirefe students
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The Cirefe last week cordially welcomed a new group of students to the Villejean campus for the start of their annual summer program of French-language and culture. The event, which was held in-person (with masks), was a festive occasion for the group to get to meet the teachers, administrative staff and other Cirefe classmates. 

Lesley Lelourec, outgoing Vice-President for Internationalization, and Sonia Touz,  Coordinator of the Summer Program, opened the afternoon session with greetings for the 26 students coming from 15 countries, including:

Guinea     Japan Georgia
Cyprus Canada Sweden
Lebanon Mexico Equador
Syria Colombia Pakistan
China Brazil United Kingdom


They advised the students to take advantage of the richness of their new environment, be open to meeting new potential friends with whom they can discover the city and region, and, most of all, pursue their studies in French with vigor and enthusiasm! 


While students of the CIREFE are primarily there to study French, the Center does not limit itself to exclusively teaching the more grammatical aspects of the language of Voltaire, Flaubert et Hugo. The program, which offers 18 hours of French language courses a week, is also popular for its cultural program. Students are invited to participate in numerous outings in Rennes and the surrounding regions (concerts, theatre and festivals in Rennes, as well as excursions to popular nearby coastal cities. 

For more information on the Cirefe Summer Program or other courses, please see their website here.

Find out what some of the most recent students had to say about their experiences so far. 

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