First Semester Adjustments Due to the Sanitary Crisis


Due to the COVID-19 context, the university’s activities for the new academic year have adopted a new format, combining in-person attendance and distance-learning. This new organization of the academic year will require a restructuring of how we welcome students. Information and prerentrée (preparatory) sessions will be organized on campus from Monday, September 7 for the entire student community. This will allow students to find out about the specific terms and conditions of how they will be received, student life and teaching for the whole of the first semester.

Contenu sous forme de paragraphes


Please be aware that wearing a mask is now mandatory in all French universities. Students will need to respect this measure throughout the campus, inside as well as outside, in addition to respecting physical distancing measures. On the Mazier campus, the wearing of masks is also compulsory in the outdoor areas between buildings A, B, C and D.

The management team has decided to adjust the schedule so that staff and students can anticipate the next academic year as much as possible. The start of classes (TD/CM) is therefore postponed to September 28, 2020. The compulsory prerentrée (preparatory) sessions are now scheduled as follows, subject to changes related to the sanitary context:

  • from Monday, September 7 for L1 students
  • from Monday, September 14 for L2s
  • from Wednesday, September 16, for L3s
  • from Monday, September 1st for certain courses, in particular Masters and work-linked training courses, which have been notified in advance by their programs

The month of September will be devoted to reinforcing student reception for the presentation of of programs and the organization of their semester: by fields of study, virtual tools such as the Cursus platform, the Voltaire project, des Journées d'Accueil de Méthodologie Informatique, du dispositif de tutorat, the tutoring system. This information will be essential to starting or continuing one's studies in good conditions and will be organized in such a way that guarantees compliance with the recommended health measures.

Please note: "Campus Week" will be organized in the afternoons starting on Tuesday, September 22 through Thursday, September 24 with a student organization village, the distribution of a meal/student ticket, music, cultural events, etc. The full program will be available in early September.

International students

International students will also be subject to these first semester adjustments. Rennes 2 University has recently taken the decision to maintain mobility with European countries (Schengen Area, European Union and United Kingdom). However, we strongly recommend that students postpone their mobility project until the second semester because the general welcome and learning conditions will be strongly impacted by the governmental health regulations. Exchanges with countries outside of Europe are suspended for the first semester. We hope that these exchange programs will be able to resume in January 2021. Our establishment will continue to welcome international students enrolled in full degree programs (L, M, D), as well as at the CIREFE (French-language courses) depending on the students' ability to travel to France (opening of borders). All of these arrangements have been organized to ensure the reception of international students in the best possible conditions. 

A "Welcome Week" for international exchange students will be held from September 21st - 25th.

Information specific to students of the Cirefe: 

Administrative reception of new students (by individual appointment) will be possible during: 

  • the afternoons of August 31 and September 1, 7, 8 and 18,
  •  and the mornings of September 14 and 15.

Check the Cirefe website in order to book an  appointment online (link for appointments to be added soon). 

Administrative reception of re-enrolled students (by individual appointment) will take place on:

  •  the afternoons of September 3, 4, 16 and 17,
  • and in the mornings of September 10 and 11.  

Finalization of the administrative registration, distribution of the student card and the diploma of S2 2019-2020.

Check the Cirefe website in order to book an  appointment online (link for appointments to be added soon). 

Pré-rentrée pédagogique will take place from September 21- 24 (4 classes maximum per half-day), which will include a welcome in the classes by the referent teacher, presentation of the pedagogical and cultural programs, presentation of the possible courses of the semester and choice of options.

Classes will begin on September 28th.