Welcome Week for Semester 2 New International Students
From January 15 - January 19, 2024, Rennes 2 University's International Relations Office will be organizing a welcome week for its students of international exchange programs on the Villejean campus.
Numerous information meetings will be organized, in partnership with department coordinators, CIREFE, the ESN association, and more.
On Tuesday, January 16th: an obligatory meeting for new exchange students will take place at 9:30 am with staff of the International Office. Location: Building L, Amphi L1. Find out the essentials on how to register for courses and more. All the activities of the week will also be presented. A small welcome snack will also be offered at the end of the session.
Rennes 2 students who have already spent time abroad will be on hand to help newcomers through the process.
Meetings with Rennes 2 Departments
Teachers of the different departments of Rennes 2 will be on-hand to present students with an overview of their department and will be available to help guide students on choosing classes. A specific meeting time may be proposed via email. Please contact the International Office for more information.
Several visits will be organized to enable students to discover the campus, the city of Rennes, and Mont Saint Michel...
On Monday, January 15th in Building D, room 113 come receive a welcome pack of Rennes 2 goodies. Time: between 10am - 12pm, and 2 - 4pm.
On Wednesday, January 17th: join us for a guided visit of the campus (registration is necessary). Meetup in front of the D Building.
On Thursday, January 18th: guided tour of the city of Rennes ( meet next to the metro Villejean -registration required)
On Friday, January 19th, Direction Mont St. Michel (guided visit upon registration)
Register for these events by writing to: dri-incoming [at] univ-rennes2.fr (dri-incoming[at]univ-rennes2[dot]fr).
More information about all of the meetings and visits can be found on your online student portal under the Program for the Integration and Orientation Week.
Welcome to Rennes event with the CMI
On Thursday, 26 January 2024, international students & researchers in Rennes are cordially invited to attend a welcome event hosted by the International Mobility Center of Rennes (CMI Rennes). This free event is a great way to gather information, useful tips and gifts at the Cité Internationale in downtown Rennes!
Please note that this event is only open to international students and PhD students who arrived in Rennes in the second semester.
The evening's provisional program:
18H: Opening of the Cité Internationale > Greeting of the attendees
Welcome meeting & practical information with the CMI Rennes > Presentation of the ESN Rennes association > Presentation of CMI partners > Welcome Pack > Animation / quiz
7.30 pm: Welcome cocktail in the Cité Internationale Lobby: CMI Rennes offers all attendees a welcome cocktail. An opportunity to get to know each other over a drink in a friendly atmosphere!
7.30 pm to 8.30 pm: Reservation for shows and day trips in the Cultural Agenda, sale of ESN cards
21H00: Welcome Party by ESN Rennes (to be confirmed)- The end of year festivities are over, and the second semester begins with the arrival of new international students! Come and celebrate the new year, the end of exams, and meet new people. Party organised by the ESN Rennes association
What is the CMI? How can I benefit from its services during my stay in Rennes?
The CMI was created in 2009 to welcome and support international students, PhD students and researchers enrolled in higher education in Rennes at CMI member institutions (of which Rennes 2 is a part). The CMI helps with the day-to-day formalities involved in settling and living in France (residence permits, accommodation, transport, health, banking, telephone services, etc.).
They also offer a program of events, meetings and cultural activities throughout the year, and makes it easier for international students to enroll in French courses, so that they can integrate as fully as possible into the local community. There are around 7,500 foreign students in Rennes every year! For more information on the CMI