Rennes 2 University
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Rennes 2 now home to an International Franco-Italian Dual Degree Master’s Program

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Rennes 2 University and the University of Salerno in Italy have signed a new agreement for their newly established dual degree program. The program, created in 2016, has this year received funding from the Franco-Italian University (UFI), an institution promoting academic and scientific collaboration between France and Italy.

This agreement allows for Rennes 2 students, who are enrolled in a Master 1 Literature and Humanities program (with a specialization option in Italian Literature and Culture), to apply to the international Master 2 option in order to enrich their scientific training through a recognized international degree program.

Students selected for this program (up to a maximum of 4 persons from each university) will form an international class and pursue their 3rd semester at Rennes 2 and their 4th semester at Salerno. Their exams will be validated in France and Italy for a total of 60 ECTS credits, and their theses are to be developed and defended (in French or Italian) under co-supervision.

This program was developed at Rennes 2 thanks to the support of researchers in the Italian Department, the Vice President of International Relations, Lesley Lelourec, as well as the International Office. Procurement of funding and the UFI label has been obtained for the period of 2018-2021. This funding will cover the students’ travel costs and allow for the organization of associated educational and scientific initiatives.
