Rennes 2 University
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Rennes 2 University offers its support to the Iranian academic world


Rennes 2 University expresses its full support to the Iranian academic world during the difficult period it is going through, as expressed by its Governing Board on September 23, 2022.

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There is anger in Iran and in Iranian universities. The death of Mahsa Amini, a young Iranian Kurdish woman of 22 years old arrested on September 13, 2022 in Tehran by the morality police who considered that she was wearing the veil wrongly, has caused a strong emotion in the country, and this anger is not subsiding. The Iranian academic world was quick to react, and is actively engaged in the fight against "enslavement, unemployment and the mandatory wearing of the hijab for women".

In another corner of the globe, in the Russian Federation, young Russians are being conscripted overnight into the army to fight in an illegitimate war waged by Mr. Putin's regime in Ukraine. Evidence of the forced and massive integration of students into the army is circulating, especially in the poorest and most remote regions of the country. As the borders close and thousands of young people try to reach neighboring countries to escape forced conscription, others are trapped and condemned to participate in a sinister destiny that they did not choose.

The Governing Board of the Rennes 2 University unreservedly condemns the war in Ukraine and the ongoing repression in Iran and the Russian Federation. We express our total solidarity with the Russians and Iranians who are suffering from this repression, and reaffirm our will to fight for women's rights, peace and democracy everywhere in the world. Faithful to its democratic values, welcoming and defending freedoms, Rennes 2 University will continue to work for peace, to promote international solidarity initiatives and to welcome with dignity those who flee war and coercion.

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