Rennes 2 University
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Rennes 2 Welcomes Visit from Canadian Ambassador to France


Earlier this week, the Rennes 2 management team and faculty members welcomed the Canadian Ambassador Isabelle Hudon to the University's Villejean Campus for a special visit.

Isabelle Hudon and Olivier David

Canadian Ambassador Isabelle Hudon and Olivier David

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25 March, 2019

Olivier David, President of Rennes 2 University, met and welcomed this afternoon Isabelle Hudon, Canadian Ambassador to France and Jerome Picaud, Head of the Office of the Ambassador of Canada to France. The visit took place at Rennes 2’s Villejean campus, where Rennes 2 staff and faculty gathered to discuss a number of important collaborations with the Canadian officials.

In honor of this visit, the President was accompanied by Lesley Lelourec, Vice President for International Relations, Christine Rivalan-Guego, Vice-President of the Executive Board, and Leszek Brogowski, Vice President of Research at Rennes 2, as well as a delegation of faculty members from Rennes 2 who are affiliated with educational and research programs that work closely with Canadian universities.

Thanks to international mobility programs for students and teacher-researchers, Rennes 2 already maintains strong ties with Canada, notably with Carleton University, l’Université de Quebec à Montreal (UQAM), l’Université Laval and the University of Calgary. New cooperative programs are also in the works with Concordia University and l’Université de Sherbrooke. Similarly, many Canadian professors are able to visit Rennes 2 through the University’s 2 International Chair Positions: the Chair of the Americas and the Chair of Humanities and Social Sciences.

The visit follows on the heels of headlines made last year whereby the Canadian Cultural Centre (under the aegis of the Embassy of Canada and Global Affairs Canada) donated twenty-five years' worth of archives to the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art (INHA) for the Archives de la Critiques d’Art (GIS: ACA) collection. The collection, located in Rennes, covers 25 years of exhibitions at the Canadian Cultural Centre, visual arts partnerships between the Centre and many French organizations, and related documents.

Delegation Photo