Rennes 2 University
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Rennes 2’s Cirefe Holds End of Semester Gala


Renne’s foremost French language-learning center held its end-of-semester gala last week, providing students with the opportunity to showcase their French language skills through a series of creative and original productions. 

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At the end of each semester, students of the Cirefe come together to perform in front of an audience of friends, family and Rennes 2 community members. This highly creative and entertaining evening is the culmination of the work achieved not only in their French-language classes but also during the weekly artistic workshops which they follow. The goal of these workshops, which are led by professionals with teaching experience working in their artistic fields, is to help students more confidently express themselves in a dynamic French cultural context.

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At the start of last week’s gala, teachers of the Cirefe began by dedicating the evening to the memory of the center’s Director Mathieu Plas. Students then took to the stage to perform musical numbers, theater plays, poetry and film and audio productions, all in French. The Tambour Auditorium, the Rennes 2 venue for cultural and artistic events, was close to full for the celebratory show. The evening ended with an informal social gathering, providing students with the chance to unwind and enjoy their hard-earned achievements. 

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The Cirefe Linguistic Offer: 

Students looking to learn French or improve their French language skills can enroll in one of the learning packages available at the Cirefe. For more information, please see their website

  • Evening courses: designed for foreign students who are following a curriculum with French students and are attending CIREFE classes to complete their French language training. 
  • Full-time intensive courses (for the semester/year):  Offering 15 to 20 daytime class hours per week, based on the student’s level.
  • Summer intensive courses: three distinct programs, with different options, including: French language and culture (3 weeks of courses and cultural activities), French as a foreign language didactics (3 weeks of courses and cultural activities) and Summer University: Summer University is organized for international individual students or groups of students. A program before the start of the year with intensive language courses (20 hours a week) and a wide cultural program (events, trips…)

 A Look Back at the Cultural Calendar of the Cirefe

The Cirefe not only offers its students high-quality French language classes, but also a range of dynamic cultural events and opportunities to meet and socialize with others. In this past semester alone, the cultural agenda included: 

  • Trips to the Rennes Opera House
  • Regional excursions to the cities of Dinan, Dinard, Cancale and Saint-Malo
  • Visits to the National Theater of Brittany (Théâtre National de Bretagne)
  • Intercultural evenings - a chance to meet and exchange with local Rennes students
  • Sporting events (including football matches at the Rennes stadium)
  • An evening at Fest Noz, a Breton traditional festival, with dancing in groups and live musicians 

Artistic Workshops available to students of the Cirefe

Below is a selected list of available workshops that accompany the semester courses. This list is subject to change. For more information please see their website


This workshop is organized around a series of preparatory exercises, followed by voice work and the staging of selected texts. Physical work, space work, contact, improvisation and language play are all part of this workshop, which require the actively engagement of all students.


Students learn to create and publish the journal Planete CIREFE. This publication reports on CIREFE activities and general campus life through articles, surveys, portraits, interviews. It also features a number of opinion pieces on various topics: favourite books or movies, humorous or serious essays, reports on daily life as seen through the eyes of other cultures… Every student commits to writing one article on their subject of choice.


For those who love cinema and want to be on the other end of the camera, this workshop provides an introduction to the language of cinema and the opportunity to create a short film (scriptwriting, filming, editing). Films may be presented at the end of the semester.

Traditional Breton Dance

This workshop provides students with a beginner's training to the traditional Breton dancing steps. Discover your inner Breton by bathing in regional music and dance culture. 


Preparation of a few musical selections (French chanson, jazz, possibly variety music), some of which will be performed at the end of the semester. Opportunity for group work and improvisation.

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