Following the French Prime Minister's speech on Saturday evening, March 14, 2020, in which he asked all citizens to respect social distancing guidelines, and, in particular, to limit travel, meetings and all non-essential contact, as well as to respect personal hygiene measures, Rennes 2 University has decided to take new precautions as of Monday, 16 March.
There will be no face-to-face teaching activities on any of the three campuses, whether for undergraduate, graduate or continuing education courses and programs. University libraries, restaurants and cafeterias will also be closed to the public.
General Information
- Pedagogical continuity and online courses: All courses are progressively being made available online on the Cursus platform. You will receive further information from your teachers as this happens.
All final exams will be converted into home assignments so that students may take them as serenely as possible while ensuring that we meet our university's quality standards despite the constraints of the containment measures. We remind you that this new measure does not apply to continuous coursework, the modalities of which are decided by our teaching staff.
The schedule for the final exams has also been modified to allow teachers to adapt the tests and propose new subjects. The work period for these home assignments will run from April 29 to May 20. A message will be sent to you by the end of the week to provide you with more details on this schedule and the procedures.
If you do not have access to a computer, an internet connection, or if you encounter other difficulties, it is important to contact us at: etudiant-covid19 [at] univ-rennes2.fr (etudiant-covid19[at]univ-rennes2[dot]fr) so that our department heads can help you find appropriate solutions.
In addition, the university has also decided to release an emergency aid fund to supplement the aid granted by the CROUS. More information on this scheme will be communicated to the community very shortly. In the meantime, we remind you that you can find a list of useful contacts readily available on the university's intranet.
- Administrative activities: Administrative functions must, in accordance with the Prime Minister's decisions, be switched to work from home as much as possible, subject to essential activities that fall under ou plan de continuité de l'activité (Business Continuity Plan - BCP)
- Research activities: a massive organisation of working from home must be undertaken to ensure the least amount of exposure as possible, including for research teams. Thesis and research leadership defenses planned by April 5 are postponed.
Frequently Asked Questions for International Exchange Students at Rennes 2
This FAQ section is intended to answer a number of questions you may have during the confinement. As soon as we become aware of new developments, we will update this section.
*If you are an international exchange student and have any questions, please contact the International Office at Rennes 2: sri-incoming [at] univ-rennes2.fr (sri-incoming[at]univ-rennes2[dot]fr).
Other students should contact us at the address: etudiant-covid19 [at] univ-rennes2.fr (etudiant-covid19[at]univ-rennes2[dot]fr) with any questions they may have and someone will reply as soon as possible.
You should contact your department coordinator and Rennes 2’s International Office (SRI): sri-incoming [at] univ-rennes2.fr (sri-incoming[at]univ-rennes2[dot]fr). We also ask that you complete the online form that they will/have sent to you by email to find out your current situation.
The actual date of your departure will appear on the certificate of attendance. You will also receive an official certificate from Rennes 2 justifying the case of force majeure / exceptional circumstances.
The Rennes 2 management team is currently holding discussions on this question. A decision will be made quickly and you will be immediately informed of the schedule and implementation modalities.
At this stage, we do not yet know whether the departmental juries will be taking place as scheduled. When they do take place, grades / transcripts will be made available on Mobility Online as soon as possible. You will receive an email as soon as they are available.
It is up to your home university to advise you on the best way to proceed. However, you should know that, normally, all Rennes 2 courses will be offered online by our teachers. If this is not the case, please contact your department coordinator from Rennes 2. If, after discussion with your home university, you decide to no longer follow Rennes 2 courses, please inform our International Office by sending an email to: sri-incoming [at] univ-rennes2.fr (sri-incoming[at]univ-rennes2[dot]fr).
If you have left France to return to your country of origin and you have not officially interrupted your mobility, you can continue to take the online courses offered by Rennes 2. However, you will have to return to France to take the exams, except if the exams take place online.
You will need the certificate of attendance /or an exceptional certificate provided by Rennes 2. In this case, please contact the International Office: sri-incoming [at] univ-rennes2.fr (sri-incoming[at]univ-rennes2[dot]fr).
Whether you are on a scholarship or not, French or an international student, contact the Crous! Rennes 2 supports the social action of the Crous and emergency aid is available, in particular vouchers for basic necessities or specific aid. For more information, contact the CROUS.
Other initiatives may exist, of which we are not always aware. Do not hesitate to look on social networks or to contact your student representatives to find out more information. A list of student representative organizations is available on the university's intranet.
More information for our students is available here (in French)
Additional Help
During these difficult times, the University Psychological Help Centre, the Student Health Centre and the Hospital Centre of Guillaume Regnier have joined forces in order to offer you a telephone hotline, staffed by psychology professionals specialized in welcoming students.
Available Monday - Friday, from 9am to 5:30pm: 02 99 30 81 24 ; And Saturdays and Sundays, from 2 to 6pm: 07 66 20 80 23