Exposition: Afro-Colombian, Women and Struggles from the Pacific to Bogota

From 4 to 29 March
Contenu sous forme de paragraphes

Photographs of Solène Retourné, Master 2 ETILA (Iberian and Latin American Studies)

Solène Retourné is a Master 2 ETILA (Iberian and Latin American Studies) student whose subject centers around the social movement of Afro-Colombian women. She is particularly interested in the study of the black diaspora in Latin America.

This exhibition presents a photographic report from Colombia, Bogota, and various cities in the Pacific region (Cali and Buenaventura). It is an observation piece carried out in various urban areas in order to raise the visibility of black women in Colombia. As she meets and discusses her journey, Solène Retourné photographs these women in all their diversity.