Rennes 2 University
Type d'événement

Equality Tuesdays- Women, art and the sea: various commitments

Tuesday 6 December
A small fish swims in a sea full of waste

© Naja Bertolt Jensen, Unsplash

Contenu sous forme de paragraphes

Anthropologist, Co-Director of the Ethnology Department at the Université de Bretagne Occidentale and exhibition curator, Géraldine Le Roux is a specialist in Aboriginal and Oceanian arts. For several years, she has documented the cultural perception of the oceans and the artistic recycling of marine waste. As such, she embarked in 2020 on a sailing trip in the Pacific Ocean from which she drew the book Sea-Sisters. Un équipage féminin à l'épreuve de la pollution (2021, Indigène éditions), which was awarded the Livre engagé pour la planète prize.

Her conference will present the eXXpedition project, a round-the-world sailing trip with an all-female crew dedicated to the study and fight against plastic pollution. The practices and issues of this form of participatory science will be discussed anthropologically in order to contextualize the data related to plastic micro-waste and eco-feminism.

The lecture will be illustrated with works, including art by ghostnets, an innovative art movement that emerged in northern Australia nearly a decade ago and has spread around the world. The artists use fishing nets that have been lost or dumped at sea and transform them into amazing works of art. In this dynamic of ocean protection and cultural sovereignty, women play an essential role.

In partnership with the "mardis éco'solidaires de l'ESS cargo".




Mardis Égalité