Rennes 2 University
Type d'événement

Equality Tuesdays: Contemporary Art and Queer Culture

Tuesday 17 January
Rainbow colors- unsplash

© Sharon Mccutcheon, Unsplash

Contenu sous forme de paragraphes

Quentin Petit Dit Duhal, Doctor in Art History, a temporary teaching and research associate, and co-founder of ARQ (Arts et Représentations Queer), a research collective on the history of feminist and queer arts.

Queer artists are a minority in their own right: they are not very visible in exhibitions, and when they are, questions of sexuality and gender are often left out. Yet the emergence of a queer visual politics in the second half of the twentieth century occupies a place of its own in the history of artistic representations. How was this history constituted? Can we speak of "queer art"?

This conference proposes a study of images and trajectories of queer artists by putting into context their commitment and the way they displace the categories of gender, sex and sexuality. It shows that these artists, through their representations, have a very direct impact in the transformation of society. We will also see the stakes that queer represents for the history of art and how it feeds new discourses on the non-standard, the exclusion and the hierarchy, in particular thanks to the research of young researchers.

At the end of this event, a book sale will be proposed by the bookstore Le Failler.




About Mardis de l'Égalité / Equality Tuesdays

The Equality Mission and the Cultural Office of Rennes 2 jointly organize the Equality Tuesdays, a cycle of meetings that aims to create times for exchange and debate on equality and the fight against violence and discrimination. These times of reflection and awareness are free and open to the general public.

Equality Tuesdays