IDEAL Future

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(Integrated Digital Educational Leadership for the future)

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Project Description

The IDEAL Futures Teacher Academy aims to provide a range of professional development activities and a transformative dialogue hub with a view to leading innovative practices in digital education. The project will enable pre-service teachers and in-service teachers in the early years, primary, and post primary sectors to engage in dialogue with policy makers, other educational leaders and the digital tech sector.

It provides an integrated approach viewing digital learning as an ecosystem. It also demonstrates how such elements can be considered in a holistic, inclusive manner to meet the needs of the whole school community, to foster an open approach to digital pedagogical leadership.

Project Details

Coordinator: Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland

Project Partners: 

  • Université Rennes 2
  • Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board, Ireland
  • Latvijas Universitat Lv in Riga, Latvia
  • Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
  • Fundación Siglo22 in Madrid, Spain

Associated partners

  • Association pour la Formation des Enseignants en Europe in Brussels, Belgium

Project type: Erasmus + Partnerships for Excellence: Teacher Academy

Grant amount: 1 500 000 euros (353 316.00 euros for UR2)

Project duration: from 15th June 2023 until 14th June 2026

Contact: Pascal Plantard, academic coordinator at Rennes 2 pascal.plantard [at] (pascal[dot]plantard[at]univ-rennes2[dot]fr).