Rennes 2 University is organizing a "Campus Week" on the Villejean campus (in Rennes) on September 14th and 15th, from 10am to 5pm. The "Campus Week" is a festive event between peers which aims to welcome students in a friendly environment. Come discover the different student organizations and other elements of Rennes 2 student life.
During these two days, information stands are set up all over the campus so that you can find out more about community life, cultural events, health care, housing assistance, etc., as well as numerous activities.
Are you a student in Saint-Brieuc?
A Campus Day will be organized on the Mazier campus on September 16th, from 11:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Tuesday, September 14th
Student Life Service: come learn about the Student Initiative Support Fund (FSDIE), the Student and Campus Life Contribution (CVEC),
Student Health Service (SSE): Come and meet the student health relays, distribution of goodies, prevention services flyers, cooking workshops...
Sustainable development area: find all the information about the free grocery store, waste sorting, the beautiful waste disposal center, etc.
International Desk (Tuesday only): Are you an international student with a question about your studies, the campus, housing, social events, etc.? Rennes students: would you like to study abroad or simply practice a foreign language? Visit the International Desk, a one-stop shop for information and events!
Concerts / Shows
12pm - 1pm - Dj set Clab (to be confirmed)
1pm - 2pm - project by the association Arène théâtre
Wednesday, September 15th
Health / social partner villages with the CPAM, the CAF, the MGEN and the Mutualité Française
Rennes life
Concerts / Shows
12h - 13h Clive (to be confirmed)
1pm - 2pm - Broadway French show
Return of the Ciné-Tambour - Evening "Amours de jeunesse" (young loves):
6pm : Naissance des pieuvres (Céline Sciamma, France, 2007, 85 min., DCP)
8:30 pm: Days of being Wild (Wong Kar-wai, Hong Kong, 1990, 94 min., DCP)
Summer continues at the Ciné-Tambour with, at the beginning of the evening, Céline Sciamma's first feature film, Naissance des pieuvres, which presents the beginnings of love between three teenagers who discover themselves and their bodies as unexplored territories. Then discover the Hong Kong of the 1960s in Wong Kar-Wai's Days of Being Wild, alongside his characters, sad and lonely souls. It is with great melancholy that the master of thwarted love shares with us the beauty of young romance, but also the poetry of disappointment in love, a theme emblematic of all his future work.
Thursday September 16th
Presentation of the cultural season
5:30 - 6:30 pm at the Tambour
Rennes 2 University opens its cultural season! A multidisciplinary season, open to all and willingly committed, which has many highlights and surprises in store for you.
Free // Reservations possible
Need another reason to not miss out on this event?
- Distribution of free period products: towels, undergarments, tampons, cups...
- Activities : Photobooth; Mechanical bull; Fatal sweeper; X-trem Jump (Thrill seekers, come and try the big jump by defying the laws of weightlessness)
- Workshops at the Edulab: Totebag customization and textile reuse workshop: Come customize your Totebag and discover the textile factory in fablab! With the help of volunteers, cut out with a laser and assemble fabric shapes, pennants, banners or abstract shapes. Then, assemble these personal decorations to your faithful Rennes 2 stamped totebag!
- Information Stands: student organizations
- Student Life Office: collect goodies and come and get your welcome pack.
- Culture center: information stands of the cultural actors of the campus: the cultural service and its season of events, the Ciné Tambour, the university ensembles, the Edulab, BU (library), etc.
- Guided tour: discover the art and culture places on your campus!