Psychology Laboratory Cognition, Behaviour and Communication (LP3C)

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The LP3C (Psychology Laboratory: Cognition, Behaviour and Communication) performs experimental research in psychology, including the fields of social psychology, cognitive psychology, ergonomics psychology, differential psychology, developmental psychology and education, with four major research areas.

Research Topics

Social constructions of knowledge

The overarching purpose of researchers in this area is to study how the knowledge, judgments, beliefs, and representations of an individual are affected by, or reflect, social construction processes. This research area includes two research programs that analyze social construction processes at different and complementary levels. The first program is specifically interested in the study of socio-cognitive mechanisms involved in the construction and expression of knowledge and judgments about the self and others. The second program studies the processes of elaboration, assimilation and transformation of knowledge as social beliefs and representations, based on topics constituting societal issues.

Influences and Behaviours

This research area includes two complementary research programs that investigate the individual in its relationships with others. The first program studies the elaboration and understanding of influence processes that target cognitive or behavioral change. This program is interested in processes of change involving others as a source of influence, with the rationale that individuals are constantly influenced (consciously or not) by factors, sometimes trivial, that drive them to adopt new beliefs and/or new behaviors.

The second program studies norm-regulated behaviors through the determinants of their perception, their production and their consequences. This program is interested in these behaviors directed towards others that are liable to have consequences, positive or negative, for this other person and for collective functioning.

Performance, socio-performance and learning

The objective of this research topic is to understand the fundamental cognitive processes, psycho-social and affective-motivational processes that regulate performance in the professional, educational and training fields, and interactions between humans in digital and socio-technical environments. This topic includes three programs: Fundamental research on cognitive processes and their development; Social and affective-motivational regulation of performance; and Interactions in digital and social-technical-environments.

Variability, evaluation, remediation

This research area aims to further our knowledge of inter-and intra-individual variability of human behaviors. Variability in various areas (cognitive, social, motor, motivational…) is analyzed with a functional, organizational or developmental focus, and leads to designing assessment tools (standardized or ecological assessment) and programs for care or remediation. This topic includes four programs: Psychometric development of measurement tools; Disabilities, developmental disorders and ageing; Adaptive testing of individual transversal skills; Major educational difficulties and learning disabilities.


Programme ACTIF (Learning and Collaboration on tablets, interactions and feedback – AAP e-FRAN, Investments in the Future programme). • H2020 Programme – Health ZIKAlliance (A global alliance for Zika virus control and prevention). • ProFAN programme (Responding to the needs of new employment skills in the digital society — Investments in the Future programme). • SHERPAM programme (Sensors for health recording and physical activity monitoring — LabEx CominLabs).

Key Figures: 3 sites (Brest, Rennes 2 and Vannes) / 51 lecturer-researchers, including 36 at Rennes 2 University / 38 PhD students registered at Rennes 2