Center for the Study of Ancient and Modern Languages and Literature (CELLAM)

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CELLAM brings together researchers in French, Spanish, Italian, English, German, Arabic, Greek and Latin languages and literatures, as well as in comparative literature, with a strong multidisciplinary and trans-secular perspective. It focuses on the transmission processes that make up the history of written culture, poetic interpretation of texts from a history of reading modes perspective, interactions between literary theory and the humanities, and creative and critical relations between literature and the other arts. In other groups, research is developed specifically in text publishing (Digital Readings and Mediations), late Arthurian literature in Europe (Centre for the Study of Medieval Texts, CTEM), Renaissance Poetics (Romanists), the relations between written culture and society in the Hispanic world (Study and Research Group on Written Culture and Society, GRECES), historical and comparative poetics (Phi group), and Ancient Literature (Mouseion).

Research Topics

  • Literatures and editorial mediations (media, manuscripts, books, digital)
  • Poetics and hermeneutics
  • Literature and Human Sciences
  • Literatures and Arts


Key Figures: 41 lecturer-researchers / 37 PhD students



Scientific meetings are regularly organized by CELLAM’S different groups: “Meet ups around the classics” (Mouseion group), Seminar on medieval onomastics (CTEM),  Seminar “Literary and artistic work” (Romanists group), and Seminar “Collections, archives and children’s and youth literature” (GRECES).

Projects in progress: From the imaginary reader to the real reader: analysis of the reception of enriched literary works • Research logs on Louis Guilloux • The collection as an editorial phenomenon (Europe / the Americas, 18th-21st century) • Masculinities • The literary exegesis of ancient texts: lexicon, methods, issues • History and historiography of spiritual literature in Modern Times in France • Literature and didactics: language, literature, experimentation and transmission • Ethics and universalism in the reflection of Arab thought • Philosophy and fiction: from Antiquity to the Renaissance • Literature and Economics: poetics and the representation of crises • Phlit: repository of ancient and contemporary photo-literature • Authority, public space and community: moralist postures.

Three projects were carried out within the framework of the French University Institute (IUF): Music criticism in the 20th  century (2011-2016) • Late Arthurian Literature in Europe (2012-2017) • “Literature on Credit”. The Contemporary European Novel and the Fiduciary Paradigm (2015-2018).