Department of Arabic Studies

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The Department of Arabic Studies is a component of the Languages and Foreign and Regional Cultures  Program (LLCER -Langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionales). Its dual mission is to teach the Arabic language and promote research in all areas linked to the Arab-Muslim geographical area. The Arab Studies Department hosts around 130 specialist students and around 350 non-specialists.

Our program aims to provide students with a mastery of the language (literal and dialectal) and a good knowledge of classical and modern Arabic works. At the end of their studies, they should be proficient in written Arabic and be able to read a diversity of texts: civilization, media language, etc. In parallel, they must be able to master a dialect in order to express themselves in the context of everyday life.

Bachelor's Degree

Foreign and Regional Languages, Literature and Civilizations (LLCER) Bachelor’s Degree: Arabic Studies pathway