Rennes 2 University

Coastline, Environment, Remote Sensing, Geomatics (LETG)

Description succinte


LETG is a Joint Research Unit under the supervision of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the Research and Higher Education Institution (EPHE) and the universities of Angers, Brest, Caen, Nantes and Rennes 2. Its scientific field is environmental geography. Thanks to its expertise in human geography, physical geography and geomatics, LETG’s scientific programme seeks to contribute to knowledge on the interactions between nature and society by focusing on the study of natural and anthropogenic dynamic processes through two approaches: changes of use, conflicts and territorial changes at the sea/land interface, environmental and anthropogenic forcing on the dynamics of vulnerable environments.

Research Topics

The LETG project is in line with the outlook of the CNRS Institute of Ecology and Environment (INEE) by focusing on several research priorities of societal interest relating to the functioning and evolution of coastal and continental systems in connection with different types of dynamics, whether these be the consequences of climatic hazards on bio- and abiotic environments and on humans and their activities, or the contribution of new mechanisms to environmental governance.

A wide range of spatial scales (from local to global) and temporal scales (some real time data located at the Holocene to take into account changes over the long term, and in the future through prospective scenario building) is mobilized in scientific themes by relying on the various contributions of the digital processing of geographic information (image processing, spatial analysis, modelling-simulation).

Systemic, spatial and temporal: this triple input is organized on the basis of modelling and prospective approaches, implementing methods and tools for data acquisition, analysis, representation and dissemination, which are then reflexively and critically analysed for their effective contribution, in particular regarding societal issues in the digital humanities.

N.B.: LETG members are involved in the following projects: EU Framework Programme – COST CONVERGES (Knowledge conversion for enhancing management of European riparian ecosystems and services, 2017-2021); LIFE-Europe ADVICLIM (High-resolution observation of adaptation and mitigation scenarios for viticulture, 2014-2020); ANR MATS (Statistical Learning for Environmental Time Series, 2018-2022); ANR ATCHA (Supporting Adaptation of Irrigated Agriculture to Climate Change, 2017-2021); ANR TRASSE (Trajectories of socio-ecosystems in Latin American watersheds, 2018-2021); CiClAMEn (Cities, climate and vegetation: modelling and environmental public policies, CAPES-COFECUB, 2019-2022).

Key Figures: 58 lecturer-researchers and 12 CNRS researchers / At Rennes 2: 11 lecturer-researchers, 5 CNRS researchers and 2 research engineers / 11 PhD students registered at Rennes 2

