Project Description
ECHOES addresses a pressing dilemma at the heart of contemporary Europe: the fact that while the history of empires and colonialism undoubtedly constitutes a shared European past, this past remains strangely silent in official narratives about Europe’s ‘heritage’.

ECHOES proposes that the memory of colonialism finds its place in contemporary European heritage debates, and that Europe not only acknowledges this dilemma but might reflexively and progressively include it at the heart of its identity.
Drawing on the proven expertise of a team of leading international scholars, ECHOES will show that it is by through exploring the creative activities and engagements with colonial legacy in European and non-European cities still imbued with manifold traces of the colonial past that one can identify new forms of progressive heritage practice. Through a facilitation of horizontal science diplomacy between cities and the creation of new links and partnerships with artists, museums and civic groups, ECHOES will foster new future-oriented forms of intercultural dialogues based on de-colonial understandings of colonial relations. When lifted to a European level this science diplomacy will contribute to a rethinking of existing tensions between Europe and its global neighbours.
Rennes 2 University is responsible for Work package n°5, Artists and citizens.
Project Members:
University of Hull - Cottingham Road, Hull HU6 7RX United Kingdom
Associated beneficiaries:
- Aarhus Universitet - Nordre Ringgade 1, Aarhus C, 8000, Denmark,
- Universiteit Van Amsterdam - SPUI 21 , Amsterdam, 1012WX, Netherlands,
- Uniwersytet Warszawski - Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28, Warszawa, 00 927, Poland
- Centro de Estudos Sociais - Colegio S Jeronimo Praca D Dinis, Coimbra, 3000 995, Portugal
- Universite Rennes 2 - Place du Recteur Henri Le Moal, Rennes Cedex, 35043, France (laboratoire impliqué : « Histoire et critique des arts »)
Project Details
Grant No. 770248
Project type: Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation Actions
Coordinator: University of Hull - United Kingdom
Project leader at Rennes 2: Elvan Zabunyan
Research Centre: History and Criticism of the Arts
Grant Amount :
Total budget of the consortium: 2 461 890,00 €.
Amount of the grant allocated to Rennes 2: 300,750.00
Duration: From 01.02.2018 to 31.07.2021 (42 months)