“Sport is the hidden social worker in many of our neighborhoods” (Sebastian Coe).
In a context where many European states are adopting an "internal security" perspective to manage the arrival of migrants and refugees, sometimes undermining the human rights standards to which they have committed themselves, fighting against hate speech against migrants and minorities is becoming increasingly present in European societies.
Despite the efforts of EU Member States to combat discrimination based on racism and xenophobia, official data show that - like homophobia or sexism - it is spreading in European societies, targeting especially people with a migrant background, racialized people, asylum seekers and refugees, and ethnic and religious minorities. In this increasingly generalized context, where nativist and exclusionary discourses have privileged media and political podiums, it is cities and their communities that are articulating the most inclusive and supportive responses to create territories of intercultural coexistence and social cohesion.
The SCORE project directly addresses the following priorities:
- Combating discrimination and racism: to promote awareness, build knowledge and share best practices at local level on the benefits of diversity, as well as effective measures to tackle discrimination and racism.
- Inclusion of minorities: promoting awareness and knowledge about the role of minorities, such as people of racial or ethnic origin, in European societies and their contribution to cultural development.
Financed by the European Commission, the overall objective of the SCORE project is the creation of a coalition of European cities and local authorities for the promotion of inclusive sport, as well as the prevention and fight against racism, xenophobia and related intolerance in the field of sport. The research unit VIPS2 is in charge of the scientific analysis of methodologies and fieldwork initiatives to fight racism through sport through a comparative and international perspective.
This project has received funding from the European Commission’s CERV program under grant agreement n°101054035

- Ayuntamiento de Getafe - Spain
- Cidalia, consultoría técnica en diversidad (Cidalia) - Spain
- Ministerio de inclusión, seguridad social y migraciones (MISSM), Observatorio Español del Racismo y la Xenofobia (OBERAXE) - Spain
- Ayuntamiento de Bilbao - Spain
- Ajuntament de Sabadell - Spain
- Asociación de Ciudades Interculturales (RECI) - Spain
- ETC (Europäische Trainings und Forschungszentrum für Menschenrechte und Demokratie) - Austria
- Public Benefit Enterprise of Culture Environment Youth and Athletics of the Municipality of Ioannina - Greece
- Doras - Ireland
- Rennes 2 University - France
- Ministerio del Interior, Oficina Nacional de Lucha Contra los Delitos de Odio (ONDOD) - Spain
- Fundación General de la Universidad de la Laguna (FGULL) - Spain
- ICC - Sweden
Project Details
Type of implication: Partner
Coordinator: Ayuntamiento de Getafe, Spain
Type of project: CERV programme (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme)
Nom du Porteur : Noemi García Arjona
Laboratoire : VIPS²
Site du projet : https://scoreproject.net/
Total grant amount: € 430.165,00
Rennes 2 grant amount: € 38.714,85
Duration: 24 months (June 2022-June 2024)
Themes and keywords:
sport, social inclusion, racism, xenophobia, tolerance, intolerance, diversity, prevention, migration, coalitions, minorities