Department of Spanish

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The dual mission of the Spanish Department is to teach and promote research in all areas related to Hispanicism:  the building of Spanish-language skills and the examination of literary or historical aspects of all Spanish-speaking countries. The Department has some 20 teacher-researchers and full-time teachers whose complementary specialties make it possible to offer students a very wide range of courses. Young researchers contribute and help to complete the work being done in the Department.

A  Degree in Spanish allows students to develop skills in language, literature and civilization, both within the limits of Spain and in Hispanic countries of Latin America. Students from the Spanish Department also have the opportunity to learn another peninsular language: Catalan. The Department works in collaboration with the Generalitat of Catalonia.

Bachelor's Degree

Foreign and Regional Languages, Literature and Civilizations (LLCER) Bachelor’s Degree: Spanish pathway

Master's Degree

Foreign and Regional Languages, Literature and Civilizations (LLCER) Master’s Degree: Iberian and Latin American Studies pathway