Rennes 2 University

Foreign and Regional Languages, Literature and Civilizations (LLCER) Master’s Degree: Germanic Studies pathway


The majority of our courses are taught in French. We invite you to also have a look at the list of courses offered in English at Rennes 2.

Contenu sous forme de paragraphes

This degree offers high-level training in the fields of language, translation and literature, history and culture in relation to the Germanic word organised around an introduction to research.


To train specialists and top-level early-career researchers with real professional autonomy and the capacity for self-study in the field of the Germanic cultural era. The emphasis is on providing students with the ability to communicate and disseminate the skills and knowledge acquired within the context of research work.


Aptitude for self-study and innovation. Profound knowledge of foreign languages and cultures. Ability to participate in an analytical and critical discourse in a given geopolitical and cultural space. Ability to valorize one’s knowledge in a professional context.

Course Content 

This Master’s Degree is a continuation of the Bachelor’s Degree in German and progressively deepens the skills acquired at undergraduate level, while opening up new perspectives, particularly in terms of self-study. Student numbers are small, so students and early-career researchers benefit from personalized and regular follow-up combined with the opportunity to conduct differentiated studies according to the student’s preferred research areas. Classes involving input from industry professionals are common to the entire LLCER specialization. Most modules in the German Studies pathway are taught in German.
