Rennes 2 University

Languages and Societies Master’s Degree: Americas pathway


The majority of our courses are taught in French. We invite you to also have a look at the list of courses offered in English at Rennes 2.

Contenu sous forme de paragraphes


This is a multidisciplinary and multilingual degree with an international dimension focused on the study of the entire American continent at the political, economic, social and cultural levels. Methodological and conceptual tools are applied to the fields of languages, human and social sciences, political and economic sciences and the analysis of forms of artistic representation, including literature. Training is based at Rennes 2 but also involves lecturer-researchers from other Rennes institutions. In year 1, students acquire general knowledge about the Americas and in year 2, specific skills related to their future prospects. During the course, a stay on the American continent is strongly recommended, either as part of an academic mobility programme or as a professional internship.


The main objective is to equip students with a solid knowledge base and the theoretical and methodological tools to better understand the American continent and develop expertise in this area. Due to the specificity of The Americas Master’s Degree, particularly its international focus, the courses are taught in three of the European languages of the Americas, French, English and Spanish. In addition, whenever possible, Brazilian Portuguese is also presented in course handouts / documents in consultation with students and with techniques to facilitate understanding. Students are encouraged to use their Modern Languages 1 (LV1) when communicating, especially in the oral and written tests. Students should have a minimum comprehension level of B1 / B2 in French, English and Spanish. The aim is to achieve written and oral cross-comprehension in two languages, in addition to French, for better professional integration in a globalized world.

Course Content

The training takes place over four semesters: 3 semesters involve ongoing training at Rennes 2 (with the possibility of spending one semester or more abroad at a partner university) and the final semester comprises either the internship or the dissertation researching and writing. Students are supervised by mentor teachers from the Master’s course contributors.

The fundamental and methodological modules provide indispensable tools for data collection and the implementation of the conceptual tools necessary for questioning and deepening the diversity of this continent;

Specialization classes offer a comprehensive and pluralistic approach in the humanities, social and economic sciences, literature and other artistic and cultural expressions. This allows students to consider different career options at the international level: in inter- and intra-American or intercontinental Europe / Americas relations, North / South cooperation and development strategies, communication, teaching, cultural events, project management, etc.

Students can choose during the second year of the Master’s degree to work in the research field or to carry out an internship of at least 3 months in the Americas.

Master 1: Core syllabus. By the end of semester 7: formulation of a research question accompanied by a structured bibliography (10/12 pages). By the end of semester 8: writing of the internship-based dissertation (detailed plan and a chapter on the future research dissertation (30/35 pages).

Master 2: Research oriented. By the end of semester 10: writing and defence of the research dissertation (80/100 pages). Professionalization oriented (internship). By the end of semester 10: completion of an internship followed by the writing up and defence of the internship report.
