Urban Planning and Development Master’s Degree

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Contenu sous forme de paragraphes

There are four pathways to this degree, accessible in Years 1 and 2 of the Master’s degree:

  • Planning and regional authorities (ACT)

  • Planning, urbanism, diagnostics and regional intervention (AUDIT)

  • Social dynamics, regional planning (DYSATER)

  • Proficiency in urban structures and real estate projects (MOUI)


The degree trains future professionals in the fields of regional planning and development, future urban planning practitioners and future researchers. It is accredited by APERAU (Association for the promotion of teaching and research in regional and urban planning). Each pathway has a specific career path outcome based on the OPQU urban planning job reference system (please see the Courses pages for more information).


Thematic skills:

  • Developing diagnostics: geographical, economic, sociological and political analyses of a region.

  • Knowledge of public planning policies at different levels: Europe, State, Régions, Départements, Intercommunalités, Communes.

  • Developing multidisciplinary knowledge relating to town and planning (geography, town planning, sociology, political science, law).

  • Proficiency in legal and financial tools and urban planning techniques.

  • Designing and leading a project.

Professional Expertise and Soft Skills:

  • Integrating into and cooperating with a working group.

  • Assessing processes and political or territorial changes.

  • Presenting and arguing projects, study results, conducting a meeting.

  • Contributing expertise and advice.

  • Using ICT and industry software (Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Computer-Assisted Cartography (CAC) and Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD), web tools).

  • Working autonomously on complex subjects: documentary research, data processing, project management.

  • Proficiency in writing a summary, written and oral expression.

Course Content

The training is based on a progressive professionalization approach over the two years:

Master 1:

Students accessing M1 are offered a large number of thematic classes in which they can discover the challenges associated with planning and stakeholders and learn about territorial analysis and urban planning tools. M1 offers a core syllabus with a variable scope: strong multidisciplinarity for methodological modules (shared with the Geography and Geomatics specializations) and personalized multidisciplinarity for thematic modules (shared teaching units with environment, political science, sociology courses, etc.). On average, specialization represents 25% of the M1 path, with the rest of the modules forming part of the core syllabus. This high proportion of core syllabus classes allows students to move between M1 and M2.

Master 2:

Further specialization with the proportion of core syllabus classes decreasing to 15%. The main change from M1 to M2 is that there is an increased focus in M2 on the professional environment with interactive teaching formats and numerous interventions by industry professionals: bespoke workshops, practical exercises, field practical work, organization of seminars, professional conferences, workshops, study stays.