Department of Portuguese

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The Portuguese Department offers students a comprehensive preparation to the languages ​​and cultures of Portuguese-speaking countries. Rennes 2 University is the only institution in Brittany which teaches all levels of Portuguese at the university level - with Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD programs. It is also the only department in the region that can prepare students for the Portuguese CAPES competition. The Portuguese language is also taught as an option to students from other departments of the university, in "Initiation" or "Continuation".

The Rennes 2 Central Library is also proud to hold numerous publications on Portuguese-speaking Africa, the "Bernardino Chiche" fund. With more than three thousand specialized books, it is one of the richest collections in this field in France.

Bachelor's Degree

Foreign languages, literature and civilizations Bachelor’s Degree (LLCER): Portuguese pathway

Master's Degree

Languages and Societies Master’s Degree: Americas pathway