Rennes 2 University

Faculty of Social Sciences


Created in 1994, the Faculty of Social Sciences includes 165 teacher-researchers, 23 IATOS staff and nearly 4,000 students. Located principally in Rennes, two of our departments have antennas in Saint-Brieuc: AES and History.

Description succinte

Faculty of Social Sciences (UFR Sciences Sociales)

The classes offered in our Faculty help students to better examine and understand the transformation and evolution of society through time and space. Internships, fieldwork, conferences and professional presentations are integral parts of our programs and prepare the students for their professional fields.

Students also benefit from a digitalized environment: including computer rooms with specialized cartography, remote sensing, statistics equipment, as well as other audiovisual, documentary equipment. The library of the Faculty includes a stock photography collection and more than 40,000 documents are available upon presentation of a library card.

All of our courses are open to international exchanges and programs. International students are, upon their arrival, invited to a reception within the Faculty to facilitate their integration within our programs and student body. Rennes 2 students are also encouraged to spend at least one semester at a foreign university during their studies.

Departments in the Faculty

Associated Research Units and Laboratories

