European Actions and Projects

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Education and Research projects 



In line with our strategy for internationalization, at Rennes 2, our teachers and researchers are involved in a number of important European and global projects. 

European Commission

Rennes 2 Led European Projects and Partners


Jean Monnet Chair: FABER

The project of Jean Monnet Chair on “Transmission and creation of a common European culture: the making of heroes” (FABER) addresses the fourth priority of the current Erasmus+ program: “raising awareness of and understanding the European Union context, notably as regards the common UE values, the principles of unity and diversity, as well as their social, cultural and historical heritage”. 

lancement mana global

ManaGlobal is an innovative research project (RISE) funded by the EU that seeks to explore with evidence the type of management approaches that are practiced in selected African and Arab countries. The project will show how hybrid and innovative forms of private companies’ government can be shaped by the mobility of people, capital, goods and knowledge. 



In the field of performing arts historiography, dealing with digital traces presents a challenge. Documenting Europe’s post-WWII mise-en-scène and creative processes amid this vast sea of data has proven exceptionally demanding. Funded by the European Research Council, the STAGE project will fuse culture analytics, actor-network theory, data modelling and computer vision to pioneer the nascent field of performing arts analytics. 

TACTICS delegation

TACTICS is an Erasmus Mundus Design Measures project which aims to design a joint international and interdisciplinary Master's programme in which creativity will be paramount. Teaching intercultural competence through creative methods will help students to strengthen their everyday culture and promote inclusive innovation.

TELME kickoff

Developed within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM), the TELME Master programme will be jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions to teach future language teachers and professionals how to create and maintain an environment that encourages good interpersonal relations within a multicultural group. The TELME Master will promote excellence in language teaching research and innovation, and high-quality language teaching training with a broad, multidisciplinary basis

The partner institutions : University of Limerick (Ireland), Åbo Akademi University (Finland), Universidad de Burgos (Spain) and the Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland).





Projects in which Rennes 2 is a partnering institution



BIENVENÜE is one of the most important European projects supported by the region of Brittany and to which Rennes 2 University is a partner. With a funding of €5.5M, the project foresees the recruitment of 75 postdoctoral fellows in 8 higher education and research institutions in the region.



Rennes 2 University has joined forces with a group of other European higher education institutions to create EMERGE, a consortium which seeks to connect and transform our individual educational and research-based programs for the benefit of our students, researchers and local communities. 





This project aims to build the capacity of higher education and increase the effectiveness of educational practices at the post-secondary level through increasing the level of language competences and development of soft skills of university students in the framework of mobility activities of the Erasmus+ programme.

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The IDEAL Futures Teacher Academy will develop a range of professional development (PD) activities and a collaborative digital hub to provide opportunities for transformative dialogue to support educators to develop as future digital educational leaders. 


This project involves 28 partners who together will work to demonstrate that all territories can implement 'nature-based climate change adaptation solutions' (NBCCAS):  "actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems to directly address societal challenges, including adaptation to climate change, in an effective and adaptive manner, while ensuring human well-being and generating benefits for biodiversity".


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PROtect Integrity Online project focuses on promoting integrity and values in sport, particularly combating match fixing and corruption in sport. It will do so by researching, developing, creating, implementing and evaluating most effective ways to deliver integrity education to professional and elite level athletes, particularly focusing on online tools and methods.

Running women

The SCORE project directly seeks to combat discrimination and racism: to promote awareness, build knowledge and share best practices at local level on the benefits of diversity, as well as effective measures to tackle discrimination and racism. It also centers on the inclusion of minorities: promoting awareness and knowledge about the role of minorities, such as people of racial or ethnic origin, in European societies and their contribution to cultural development.

TRIP Unsplash

TRIP is a three-year strategic partnership (Erasmus+ KA 203) with four partner universities. The project aims to develop effective mechanisms for the design and delivery of curricula that are inclusive and provide access to cross-cutting skills (e.g. intercultural competence and global citizenship), while also fulfilling the commitment to address key societal challenges.  


Past projects 



Rennes 2 and LIDILE's DECLAME'FLE transnational European cooperation project, seeks to meet the challenge of intercultural dialogue by drawing on contemporary literature on migration and exile (French acronym: LIME) and to offer new open educational resources to teachers of French as a foreign language in initial or continuing education. 



CONVERGES is a COST Action dedicated to riparian ecosystems. COST framework supports collaborative transnational activities under a system of networks of investigators based on open access and bottom-up principles.


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Demands for more flexible online, or hybrid learning opportunities are prompting many universities to explore how online methods and tools can be used to enhance their teaching practices. The InclUDE project aims to build on the lessons learnt during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide lecturers, higher education professionals, students as well as support service providers with the knowledge and awareness of current online accessibility tools and inclusive practices.


Partners of the IREAMS project aim to promote the sharing of knowledge and experiences of integrating children with autism spectrum disorders into both social and academic activities with methods that better support the specificities of each young person.



The EU-funded SandMan project will research the material culture of archaic societies lacking conventional forms of writing, between the end of the Iron Age and the Archaic Period (mid-7th/mid-5th cent. BC). The project will focus on the means of communication between the communities of southern Italy, through semiotic, archaeometric and typological approaches.





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"Europe Of Languages Network: Teacher Training For Inclusion Through Minority Languages" is a project aimed at connecting regional governments, cultural entities, youth  associations, and educational centers in Europe, with the aim of promoting the technological and educational leap of minority languages, thus facilitating the implementation of multilingual systems and equipping school teachers with the necessary innovative digital educational resources.


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ZIKAlliance is a multinational and multi-disciplinary research consortium coordinated by Inserm, the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research. The consortium was awarded €11,9M by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme in October 2016, to conduct a 36-month cutting-edge research project during the ongoing outbreak of Zika virus infection (ZIKV) in Latin America and the Caribbean. 


ARGOS is a European research-creation programme (Europe Creative, 2018-2021) which aims to create an observatory of the creative processes in the field of performing arts and to share them with civil society. 


ECHOES addresses a pressing dilemma at the heart of contemporary Europe: the fact that while the history of empires and colonialism undoubtedly constitutes a shared European past, this past remains strangely silent in official narratives about Europe’s ‘heritage’.