Rennes 2 University

Faculty of Languages


Created in 1994, the Faculty of Languages is comprised of 10 departments and a dedicated Language Centre, offering students a total of 18 languages for study either as majors or to complete language requirements for their degree programs. 

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With over 200 teachers-researchers and 22 administrative staff, we now welcome nearly 3,500 language specialist students each year. The Faculty of Languages is located in the heart of Rennes 2 University’s Villejean campus, in the E and L buildings.

Our Language Centre provides introductory, advanced or specialized language training for specialists of other disciplines (LANSAD), for all university students, within the framework of the UEL (Language Teaching Unit) registered in initial training.

Our Departments include: 


Programs within the Faculty of Languages address the following main areas:

Languages, ​​Literatures and Foreign and Regional Cultures (LLCER)

Students of the following disciplines can pursue their Bachelor's, Master's or PhD degrees at Rennes 2 University:

  • English, German, Arabic Studies, Breton-Celtic, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Chinese Studies. 

Applied Foreign Languages (LEA)

The LEA department offers courses centered around three modern languages, and is combined with courses in social sciences. The three languages are:  

  • French, English and one of the following languages
    • German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese.

Knowledge of the socio-economic environment of international trade, technical translation and e-commerce is an essential complement to this language training. Courses in application subjects - computer science, law, economics and management - are taught and evaluated in French. An excellent level in this language is therefore essential. Finally, LEA's teaching is divided into three thirds of the equivalent weight: English, continuation language and application subjects.  

Languages ​​for Specialists of Other Disciplines (LANSAD)

The LANSADs offered in the Language Center are aimed at all our academic public (from the first year of the Master's degree), and offer language learning for beginners: German, Arabic, Breton, Catalan, Chinese, Gallo, modern Greek, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Swedish, and Russian and / or the pursuit of a language already studied (German, English, Arabic, Breton, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese Italian, Russian). 

Associated Research Units and Laboratories:
